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Non-Clinical Professionals

From human resources professionals to communications and community experts, our non-clinical professionals have a major impact on our quality of service. While what you do may happen in the background, your efforts will help set Yale New Haven Hospital apart from every other hospital. Some of these positions allow you to work remotely or from home.

Non-clinical professional jobs at Yale New Haven Hospital include:

Human Resources

Our Human Resources Department includes Human Resources representatives and assistants who are responsible for hiring, maintaining personnel records, administering benefits and compensation, employee relations and more.


Fund raising is critical to the hospital’s success, and this team—made up of development officers, events managers and coordinators, and development assistants—is in charge of all of our fund raising efforts.

Medical Interpreters

Allow patients to exercise their right to excellent communication with providers, which ensures quality of care and patient safety. Currently we have translators working in Spanish, Arabic, American Sign Language, Portuguese and French.

Careers overview

Explore Career Opportunities

YNHH employees describe the opportunities available at the hospital and what they love about their jobs.

Watch the video on Career Opportunities