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The Yale New Haven Hospital Auxiliary is a diverse and dynamic group of women and men who devote their precious free time to making a meaningful contribution. Our dedicated group of volunteers routinely develop initiatives that help support the hospital's mission.

Why Join?

There are few things as satisfying as being a member of the Yale New Haven Hospital Auxiliary. Your work doesn’t just benefit the hospital, but the entire community that depends upon us.

As a member, you can be as active as your schedule allows. You can join committees or participate in social activities and philanthropic endeavors. New members are always welcome and contributions in any amount are sincerely appreciated.

Why Donate?

Funds received by the Auxiliary allow us to serve patients, families and the community in many different areas. We provide grants to YNHH departments for help and support that is not included in the hospital’s budget. We offer scholarships to area students who are planning to pursue a career in a health-related profession. And through our Toy Closet Program, we provide new toys to pediatric inpatients at Yale New Haven Children's Hospital and outpatients at locations both within and outside the Children's Hospital. Contact Billye Bradley, [email protected] or
203-688-5717 to make a monetary donation.

Our Committees and Programs

We support a wide variety of programs. The Auxiliary is continually looking to develop new programs so we need your help and enthusiasm.


You’ll find being an Auxiliary member personally enriching. There are many different projects and activities that can use your support, whether it’s volunteering your time or making a donation.

To become a member of the Auxiliary or to renew your membership, please contact the office at 203-688-5717 or email [email protected]


pdf Membership application (fillable PDF)

Our Board Members

As community leaders, corporate executives, dedicated professionals and loving parents, our board members all generously share their passion and commitment to making Yale New Haven Hospital the best it can be.

History of the Auxiliary

We’ve been an active force in the community, developing initiatives that have supported the hospital’s mission for more than half a century. During that time, the Auxiliary has raised awareness of health issues, raised patient spirits and raised more than $5 million.

Scholarships Available

The Auxiliary offers $3,000 scholarships to area students planning to pursue a health-related career. Applications are available in January. Find out more...