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Yale New Haven Hospital has a number of programs and practices designed to protect our environment by eliminating the use of hazardous materials, reducing the use of natural resources and promoting the use of environmentally friendly products wherever possible.

YNHH recognized for commitment to going greener

YNHH recognized for commitment to growing greener

Yale New Haven Hospital works to reduce waste and promote recycling throughout its campuses, and has received awards for its efforts.

 Practice Greenhealth, a national organization for healthcare facilities committed to environmental responsibility, presented YNHH with three awards:

  • The Emerald Partner for Change award recognizes healthcare facilities with a significant number of environmental programs. YNHH was selected for purchasing and using products that are more environmentally friendly, reducing waste, making food donations to local organizations and promoting efforts in the operating rooms to conserve energy and use practices that protect the environment. In addition, YNHH partners with area farmers to sell locally produced foods.
  • Two Circle of Excellence awards, which recognize the top 10 hospitals for outstanding performance in specific areas of expertise.

In addition, VHA, Inc., a network of not-for-profit healthcare organizations, recognized YNHH with its Sustainability Award for implementing environmentally-friendly programs.

Sustainability in our kitchens and cafeterias

Our sustainable food practices include buying sourced seafood, hormone free dairy products, reduced or no antibiotic poultry, local, seasonal and misshapen produce. We also aim to cook only the amount of food that is needed, repurposing leftovers, adding smaller options for bottled beverages, reducing single use plastics, and using compostable items in the cafeterias. 


Kitchen biodigester 

Other sustainability efforts

Paperless pay stubs

Paperless pay stubs: YNHH employees can access their pay information online to decrease the use of paper.

Waste management: To meet federal guidelines designed to keep the environment safe, Yale New Haven Hospital meets specific requirements for disposing of certain types of waste, including drugs, and papers containing confidential information. These types of waste are stored and removed separately from regular garbage.