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Welcome to GME

Welcome from Stephen J. Huot, MD, PhD

As the Designated Institutional Official and Associate Dean of Graduate Medical Education at Yale New Haven Hospital and Yale School of Medicine, I would like to welcome you to our institutional website.


Whether you are a current, incoming or prospective resident or fellow, you will find all the information about our 90-plus GME programs on this site…and much more.

My primary objective is to ensure that our vast spectrum of residency and fellowship programs continue to provide the strong education for which Yale New Haven Hospital and Yale School of Medicine are world-renowned. Always with an overarching goal of offering superior patient care, the goal of our program directors, faculty, and senior-level trainees is to prepare skilled, compassionate physicians and the medical leaders of the future. Naturally, that includes strict adherence to requirements mandated by the ACGME and other accreditation organizations, as well as internal guidelines established by our Graduate Medical Education Committee.

Medical education is changing, and the focus on competency-based training is the mainstay of all our programs. No longer can we train residents and fellows in an atmosphere that supports an apprentice model prior to independent practice. We must be dedicated to promote trainees to independent practice based on the achievement of certain competencies and milestones for their specialties. In addition, the physician of the future, whether he or she be in clinical practice or a research laboratory, must learn how to deliver medical care in a complex, ever-changing healthcare system, where teams, not the individual, are the focus of medical care.

Yale New Haven Hospital and Yale School of Medicine's longstanding commitment to high-quality education and training is reflected throughout this GME website. That begins with a complete listing of the dozens of residency and fellowship programs, with links to Yale School of Medicine departments and faculty who administer them. You will find information about our state-of-the-art facilities, technologies and research, which exemplify the wide range of support and resources available to residents and fellows.

The site will steer you through the various forms, benefits and other details of being a Yale New Haven trainee. Our GME House Staff Office also assists residents and fellows with the paperwork and other administrative aspects of working at Yale New Haven, plus the many social elements of your time with us. There's a section on living in New Haven, too, featuring a guide to the Elm City's many cultural, dining, entertainment, shopping and recreational attractions, as well as information about different neighborhoods and housing alternatives.

Also, I believe you will find that the general diversity of our GME population, beyond gender, is a testament to Yale New Haven's inclusive policies. We hope that this will become evident as you view the stories of our present trainees as well as former residents and fellows whom we are proud to call our graduates and leaders in medicine.

I have the special privilege of greeting a new group of GME trainees every year, which is always an inspiring experience — and what keeps our House Staff and faculty invigorated. It reminds us that there are multiple reasons why people choose Yale New Haven: a wide-ranging patient population; modern facilities; extensive and innovative training programs; unequaled research opportunities; vast resources; a vibrant city and surrounding community; the collegial Yale New Haven culture fostered by our exceptional faculty.

Although the hospital and medical school retain many of the physicians who train here, we take great responsibility and pride in developing leaders who will leave Yale New Haven for important positions throughout the country and the world. Our legacy is revealed by our trainees as we lead the way in medical education, research and care, which is the continuing mission of our GME programs.