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PGY2 Medication Use Safety and Policy

The PGY2 MUSP Residency consists of a series of learning experiences that span a 52 week period. Specific learning experiences and goals will be accomplished in discrete blocks of time, while others will occur longitudinally throughout the duration of the residency. Residency duration is a total of 52 weeks and the time will be generally structured as follows:

52 weeks 
Orientation / Training 
4 weeks* 
Residency Learning Experiences 
40 weeks 
1 week 
Project Day 
5 days (not contiguous) 
Interviews / Time Off 
14 days plus 3 days for interviews 
Required Rotations   
1. Orientation 
4 weeks* 
2. Foundations of Medication Safety 
6 weeks 
3. Administration & Leadership 
4 weeks
4. Supply Chain/Procurement 
4 weeks
5. Data Analytics 
4 weeks
6. Specialty Pharmacy/Ambulatory
4 weeks 
7. Automation & Technology
4 weeks 
8. Pediatrics Medication Safety 
4 weeks
9. Transitions of Care
2 weeks
10. Perioperative Service
4 weeks
11. Medication Safety 
Longitudinal (52 weeks)
12. Drug Use Policy
Longitudinal (12 weeks)
13. Regulatory and Accreditation
Longitudinal (24 weeks)
14. Hospital Pharmacy Practice/Staffing
Longitudinal (52 weeks)
15. Manager OnCall
Longitudinal (52 weeks)
16. Project Management
Longitudinal (36 weeks)
*Residents who completed a PGY1 within Yale-New Haven Health System may shorten to 2 weeks orientation/training period. If the resident completed a PGY1 at Yale-New Haven Hospital these 2 weeks will be added to the elective rotations at the RPD/RPC discretion based on the resident’s entering skills, interests, and knowledge.
Elective Rotations (12 weeks)
  1. Drug Diversion (4 weeks)
  2. Investigational Drug Service (4 weeks)
  3. Pharmacy Operations (2 weeks)
  4. Hospital Pharmacy Operations Management (2 weeks)
  5. Sterile and Non-sterile Compounding (4 weeks)
  6. Home infusion (4 weeks)
  7. Medication Safety Alternative Delivery Network (4 weeks)
  1. Additional Educational Opportunities:
    • Resident Research Certificate (optional)
  2. On Call Responsibilities and Staffing*
    • Two shifts every third weekend  (12 day stretches required)
    • Manager On Call every 6th week in alignment with weekend assignment 
    • 20 days of staffing (weekday scheduling)  
*Any shift, including night shift, may be filled at the discretion of the residency director
PGY2 Medication Use Safety and Policy Residency Requirements for Graduation
  1. Achieved for residency (ACHR) must be satisfied for at least 80% of ASHP residency objectives. ACHR will be satisfied when an objective is marked as achieved on at least two occasions or there is other documentation demonstrating achievement of the objective as evaluated by the RPC/RPD.
  2. Completion of all rotation and staffing requirements as noted above
  3. Compliance with all pharmacist’s mandatory requirements (i.e. current pharmacist license in good standing on file, completion of all mandatory training).
  4. Program Deliverables- Completed documents for each checklist item must be uploaded to the resident’s portfolio.
    • Develop and deliver Continuing Education, Medication Safety Event Debrief session, or pharmacy grand rounds (1)
    • Develop and deliver Medication Safety/Quality Presentation (1)
    • Conduct major project with presentation at one  regional or national conferences, other opportunities to present may be considered (1)
    • Deliver In-services (2)
    • Participate in Community Service (1) (e.g. Vaccine clinic, Refugee clinic)
    • Successfully complete ASHP Medication Safety Certificate program
    • Develop or revise drug monograph, policy, or guideline (1)
    • Successfully complete teaching Certificate Program, if  not completed during the PGY1 program
    • Co-Precept Pharmacy APPE student or PGY1 Resident
    • Prepare one manuscript (including two drafts with preceptor feedback). The final (third) version should be in a format suitable for publication.