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PGY2 Investigational Drug and Research

PGY2 Investigational Drug and Research is designed to train clinical research pharmacists who provide exceptional pharmaceutical care to research patients, and are leaders who can manage ever-changing landscape of research pharmacy. Graduates will be equipped to provide clinical pharmacy services for research patients within diverse clinical settings and in collaboration with a diverse interdisciplinary healthcare team. Multiple electives allow the resident to tailor learning to their interests, with ~ 50% of learning experiences focused on oncology practice settings. 

The PGY2 Investigational Drugs and Research Pharmacy Residency consists of a series of learning experiences that span a 52-week period.  Specific learning experiences and goals will be accomplished in discrete blocks of time, while others will occur longitudinally throughout the duration of the residency.  Residency time will be generally structured as follows:

Residency Learning Experiences 51 weeks
Orientation 3 weeks
1 week
Interviews/Holidays/Time Off 2 weeks (plus 3 interview days)
Project Days  2 weeks (not a contiguous block)
Residency Duration 52 weeks

Required Rotational Experiences

Orientation  3 weeks
Research Pharmacy Operations - I    4 weeks
Research at Care Centers / Satellite Sites    4 weeks
Research Patient Care (Phase 1 Oncology)   4 weeks
Research Patient Care (Hematology)          4 weeks
Research Patient Care (Medical Oncology)  4 weeks
Clinical Trial Support   4 weeks
Clinical Trial Quality Assurance    4 weeks
Oncology Practice - I  4 weeks
Research Regulatory Compliance  2 weeks

Elective Rotational Experiences

Pharmaceutical Industry, Clinical Trial and Drug Development  2 weeks
Oncology Practice - II  4 weeks
Research Pharmacy Operations - II 4 weeks
USP Compounding Standards and Safety 2 weeks
Vestigo: Advancing Research Practice
 4 weeks
Independent Practice 4 weeks
Other rotations are possible based upon interest and availability

Longitudinal Experiences

  • Human Research Protection Program and IRB Member/Review
  • After-Hours Service, On-Call Pager Management, and Staffing
  • Administration
  • Teaching and Education
  • Quality Improvement/Research Project

Drug Information/Education Opportunities

  • Department publications
  • Nursing and Physician In-Services
  • Journal Club Presentations
  • Continuing Education Presentations
  • PGY1 Residents and Pharmacy Students 
  • Two shifts every fourth weekend and approximately 1-2 week-day shifts per month (total 20 weekdays maximum/year)
  • IDS On Call Pager – every four weeks (pager coverage for 1 week, activation may require after hours onsite duties)

Requirements for Successful Graduation

  1. Educational checklist complete
    1. Pharmacy Grand Rounds or Continuing Education (1 hour presentation)
    2. Nursing/Physician In-services (2)
    3. Clinical Trials / Investigational Drug In-Service (2)
    4. Clinical Research or Quality Improvement Project (1)
    5. Manuscript (1)
    6. Medication-Use Evaluation (1)
    7. Contribute to Departmental Planning (1)
    8. Develop Policy, Protocol or Guideline that contributes to IDS Management (1)
    9. Budget Design for Clinical Trial (1)
    10. Develop a Financial Management Plan for IDS Pharmacy (1)
    11. Use effective written education to disseminate knowledge (1)
    12. Assess effectiveness of education delivered (1)
  2. Portfolio complete (Completed documents for each checklist item uploaded to resident portfolio)
  3. Longitudinal project completed 
  4. Achieved for residency (ACHR) must be satisfied by at least 80% of ASHP residency objectives. ACHR will be satisfied when an objective is marked as achieved on at least two occasions or there is other documentation demonstrating achievement of the objective as evaluated by the RPC/RPD.
  5. Manuscript suitable for publication (Complete manuscript incorporating at least two rounds of preceptor feedback)
  6. Compliant with all pharmacist mandatory requirements (e.g. current pharmacist license in good standing on file, completion of all mandatory training)

The learning experiences will include a series of learning activities designed to expose the resident to many facets of pharmacy practice with guidance from the preceptor. An individual resident plan and calendar will be developed for each resident.

This residency site agrees that no person at this site will solicit, accept, or use any ranking-related information from any residency applicant.

Note: We are unable to accept applicants with F1 status/OPTs and unable to sponsor F1-B visas at this time.