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Yale New Haven Health’s Employee and Family Resources (EFR) program’s latest class series, Mindfulness@Work, is designed to help people become more present and compassionate with others, increase focus and concentration and bring more balance and contentment to life. This free, six-week course, facilitated by Bud Wassell, EFR coordinator and mindfulness instructor, teaches both formal and informal mindfulness practices to employees. Classes, only 30 minutes each, occur 11 - 11:30 am Wednesdays from Nov. 13 to Dec. 18, in the lobby conference room at Saint Raphael Campus. Register by contacting Bud Wassell, 203-688-2280, or [email protected]. Visit the EFR website, www.achievesolutions.net/ynhhs, or the Resiliency Resources page on HRConnect for more information on the various YNHHS resources and programs available on mindfulness and resiliency to help employees manage their health and well-being. For individualized and confidential assistance, call EFR 24/7 at 877-275-6226.
In recognition of “Movember,” Yale Urology is hosting a day of screenings and education, 5 - 7 pm Thursday, Nov. 14, Yale Physicians Building, third floor, 800 Howard Ave. The event will include blood pressure screening and information on male sexuality and intimacy issues. Smilow Cancer Hospital will provide prostate cancer screening and information on smoking cessation. Registration is recommended; visit ynhh.org/events or call 888-700-6543. For more information, email [email protected].
The American Red Cross will hold a blood drive at the Saint Raphael Campus, 7 am - 12:30 pm Wednesday, Nov. 27, Cronin Auditorium. To make an appointment contact Anne Baker, [email protected], 203-789-4010.
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion, in partnership with Yale University and the Chicago-based RDR Group, a training and consulting firm, invites employees to evaluate a new initiative. The program is designed to peak performance potential through inclusion in our organization and the medical field more broadly. Participants may be compensated for any time and travel involved. Participation involves two components. First, participants will have a conversation with a Yale University student about their YNHHS roles; second, participants will be asked to register for the “Connecting With Others” diversity and inclusion workshop, held at the YNHHS Institute for Excellence in New Haven. The class examines strategic skills necessary to connect with a wide scope of individuals to improve employee engagement, patient satisfaction and overall performance. For more information about the study and to register, contact Kwame Davenport: [email protected] or 203-502-6553.
The 10th annual Wish Book, a gift list for Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital patients, is available now. The book includes items suggested by hospital staff to comfort children and their families. Many Wish Book gifts are items families are unable to purchase themselves; other items include equipment that may be in short supply. The items in the 2020 book are designed for gift-giving throughout the year, not just the holidays. Please help fulfill some of these wishes and make a difference in the lives of our pediatric patients and their families. To view this year’s Wish Book and make an online donation, visit www.ynhhwishbook.org.
Mory’s, the private club on York Street in New Haven popular with Yale students, faculty and alumni, is offering all Yale New Haven Health employees discounted membership. Annual dues for YNHHS employees, like those for Yale University employees, is $25. For more information, call 203-562-3157.